Sunday, September 26, 2010

Media Autobiography

       Throughout my life the mass media has been a big part of my life, from books and magazines, to T.V. and the internet, media relations are important in everyday life.  Out of all the media types T.V. is the most likely media source that I use the most my whole life.  Since I was a kid T.V. has been a big part of my life, from cartoons to sports T.V. was my number one source for entertainment for a very long time.  Not until I moved to America did I find out about the internet.  Back in the Philippines the internet was not the "internet" yet, I'm sure if I was to young to know what it was or if the Philippines had not caught up yet with technology.  I am pretty sure I was just to young to understand what the internet but right now I have a sister who is seven years old that can use the internet better than most senior citizens.  Having the internet around has changed everything.  Books, newspapers, radio, and even the T.V. have become less important in my life.  You can get instant news on the internet instead of waiting for the newspaper on the morning.  Radio has become non-existent in my life ever since I found out about Pod casts and online radio.  Besides I cannot stand radio music.  They play the same thing over and over and they never play anything good.  With online radio you can choose what genre you want to listen to and even skip songs that you dislike.  Now even television has fallen off for me a little bit.  Ever since I found out about Hulu, I don't need to wait or have to record shows anymore.  Hulu has almost every show you want to watch the next day.  The internet is also my number one source of watching movies.  Seems like nowadays you type a movie title on Google there will be a link of that movie.  Not only is it convenient, its free.  Everything you need is online, I even do most of my shopping online.  The only bad thing about online shopping is the wait but nothing can beat online prices.  My relationship with media is all about the internet.  I am part of the next generation where we use the internet for everything in life.  Much has change in the past decade and I can only imagine what the next big thing would be.