Monday, November 8, 2010

Social Network

When I search "social networking websites" in Wikipedia, 193 sites showed up.  I didn't know there were that many social sites.  The only ones I know about are Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter.  I went to "Friendster' sinece I heard about it before but never really knew what it was about.  The website is a poor man's Facebook.  Instead of having a blue layout it has green.  The site is very popular with the Asian community and between ages 25-35.
I am one of those rare people that does not have a Facebook or Myspace so I never use any social websites.  But I have friends who have gotten a lot of trouble because of Facebook.  My friend called in sick one day to go to a concert.  He would have gotten away with it but he put in his status that he was in the concert and was having a great time.  People saw his status and word came around to the managers, next day he was fired.  A lot of people are very careless with their pictures in these social networking sites.  People post pictures drinking and doing drugs.  People don't know that everyone can see those pictures.  Even if your not friends with your teachers, parents, or bosses there is always word of mouth. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that you don't use Facebook. I thought the peer pressure would be unbearable!
