Sunday, December 5, 2010

Media Ethics/Law

One case of media ethics was this year when talk show Jay Leno did not give credit to the right people for a video he used on his show.  You can read the full story here.  In the end Jay Leno and the show was forced to give credit to the right group of people.

Propoganda Techniques

There are two techniques that this brand used in their ad.  One of the techniques is bandwagon.  They use words like "together" and "us" when promoting their product.  Bacardi is a alcohol drink brand and they use bandwagon as a trick to promote their product.  Other technique they used was common man.  The video shows them trying to convince audience that we as people don't spend time enough together.  They push in using their product as we enjoy more time with our friends and family using the slogan "Get Together Project."  You can see their ad video here on facebook.  

Academic Research Project

My project is about how too much pornography effect our brains.  The internet is filled with pornography websites and most people use the internet to watch porn.  Here is a funny clip from Youtube about how porn and internet are now always associated together.