Sunday, December 5, 2010

Media Ethics/Law

One case of media ethics was this year when talk show Jay Leno did not give credit to the right people for a video he used on his show.  You can read the full story here.  In the end Jay Leno and the show was forced to give credit to the right group of people.

Propoganda Techniques

There are two techniques that this brand used in their ad.  One of the techniques is bandwagon.  They use words like "together" and "us" when promoting their product.  Bacardi is a alcohol drink brand and they use bandwagon as a trick to promote their product.  Other technique they used was common man.  The video shows them trying to convince audience that we as people don't spend time enough together.  They push in using their product as we enjoy more time with our friends and family using the slogan "Get Together Project."  You can see their ad video here on facebook.  

Academic Research Project

My project is about how too much pornography effect our brains.  The internet is filled with pornography websites and most people use the internet to watch porn.  Here is a funny clip from Youtube about how porn and internet are now always associated together. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Social Network

When I search "social networking websites" in Wikipedia, 193 sites showed up.  I didn't know there were that many social sites.  The only ones I know about are Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter.  I went to "Friendster' sinece I heard about it before but never really knew what it was about.  The website is a poor man's Facebook.  Instead of having a blue layout it has green.  The site is very popular with the Asian community and between ages 25-35.
I am one of those rare people that does not have a Facebook or Myspace so I never use any social websites.  But I have friends who have gotten a lot of trouble because of Facebook.  My friend called in sick one day to go to a concert.  He would have gotten away with it but he put in his status that he was in the concert and was having a great time.  People saw his status and word came around to the managers, next day he was fired.  A lot of people are very careless with their pictures in these social networking sites.  People post pictures drinking and doing drugs.  People don't know that everyone can see those pictures.  Even if your not friends with your teachers, parents, or bosses there is always word of mouth. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Length: 6:00
Description:  The video discusses violence in the media and why its is so captivating.
Chapter 1: Overview
Question:  In the video what was the main reason why there is a lot of violence in our media today in our television and movies?
Answer:  Violence travels well and does not need translation.  It does not take great talent or creativity and can be plugged in any adult TV shows. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Movie Blog

My favorite of 2009 was Star Trek.  I was one of those people that was never into Star Trek.  I always thought that the people that watch Star Trek were nerds and I showed no interest in the movie at all.  Then when I saw the trailer for the new Star Trek and how they were restarting the franchise I was not at all excited.  I was a little intrigue though because J.J. Abrams was directing it.  As a Lost fan I look out for J.J. Abrams work.  Through word of mouth and rottentomatoes I gave the movie a chance and fell in love with it right at the opening scene.  The story was great and even better the sound score was perfect.  The best part about it is you did not have to be a Star Trek stan to enjoy and love this movie.  

Picking a all time favorite movie is like picking which one of your kids you love the most.  There are way too many movies for me to pick a number one.  I have probably 30 movies in my top ten if that makes any sense.  I like everything from "Godfather" to "Jerry Maguire" to "Reservoir Dogs" to even "When Harry met Sally".
From the top of head "Good Will Hunting"is the one that stands out.  Matt Damon's performance was outstanding and the script of the movie was perfect. It's a shame that they don't make movies like that anymore.     

Monday, October 18, 2010

Magazine Proposal

The name of my magazine proposal will be "BODY".  The magazine will be all about athletes and their bodies.  I would like to take pictures of male and female athletes fully nude but private areas will be covered with either their hand or a prop or the shadow.  My magazine will have athletes from every sport.  From football to basketball to baseball, and even wrestling.  I will not only put bodies that are deemed "sexy".  From Wide Receivers to Offensive Linemen our readers will be able to see how these athletes really look.  I will have a even amount of male and female athletes.  My readers will attract the younger generations and sports fanatics.  BODY will be all about the art of the body.  It will not be a X rated magazine but more about art.  These athletes are going to have to best bodies in the world and I want to show them in a artistic way.  Many will compare my magazine to Playboy or Maxim but Body differs because we will only have athletes in our magazine.  Playboy is a sexual magazine and Maxim are very anal about who they put in their magazine.  Playboy and Maxim only have attractive people in their magazines but Body will not discriminate.  From fat to think to whatever in the middle, as long as your an athlete you can be on our magazine.
Our articles will consist of athlete interviews.  We will ask them what their regime and how they keep their bodies the way they are.  Obviously a women golf players regime will be different than a Defensive Linemen from the NFL.  We will also have techniques how to exercise and get a healthy body.  We will have athlete tips from the sport they play.  From volleyball techniques to golf shot advices we will have everything. 
Our advertisers will be companies that are involved in sports.  From Nike to Under Armor and Old Spice deodorant to Tough Acting Tinactin.
My first cover will be a special one.  I would divide the magazine into to two with two covers, one in front and one on the other side.  One side will feature a male athlete and the other side which will be upside down will feature a female athlete.  One half of the magazine will be all male athletes while the other half would be female and the readers will have to flip the magazine to read either halves.  Since its our first issue we would love to make a big hit right away so we will try to get Tiger Woods as our male athlete and Serena Williams as our female athlete.  Two of the most popular and powerful athletes in our first issue will be golden.