Sunday, October 3, 2010

Media Impact Research

       I would love to research the theory that violence in video games are the main cause of violence in young children to young adults today in our society.  I would like to prove this theory wrong because I was one of those kids that played a lot of violent games as a teenager.  From Grand Theft Auto to Halo, I played almost any form of violent game that came out this past decade.  The end result, I never been into a real fight nor have I even imagined bringing a gun to school and start firing like a maniac.  There are some government officials that would love to banned games like Halo and Call of Duty because of there violence but there has not have been significant evidence of playing these games will raise crime level.  I can be wrong, but I believe that these types of video games should not be banned or criticize.  The parents should take initiative for their kid.  If they think these games are bad for their kids then they should take extra steps to make sure their kids wont be able to reach these games.  
       I believe in the Individual Differences Theory, where the mass media will affect different media users in different ways.  My test would consist of randomly picked teenagers from a public school and another set of random teenagers who are in a private school.  I will interview and talk to each kid before the test.  Find out what their mindset is and ask them how they feel about violence in the media and violence in general.  The only video games they can play are games that are rated M, for mature, for two months.  After two months I will interview the same kids and discuss how they feel after two months of playing rated M games.  I will ask them the same question I did prior the test and compare the answers.  I believe I will see the kids who have a not so great background have different results than some of the kids with a "good" life.  I believe that it all depends on the parents of the kids.  A kid can be a good kid but I believe if a kid has nothing to look up to than other than video games, especially violent games, than he will be more influenced than the kid that has a role model in their life.

1 comment:

  1. You would need to know their gaming habits before the test, right?
